Thursday, October 4, 2012

The First Presidential Debate, a Review by Michael L. Johnson

The First Presidential Debate, a Review by Michael L. Johnson

I don't know what I was looking for in this first Presidential debate. Maybe I was looking to see President Obama rip Mitt Romney a new asshole, but that wasn't what I saw last night. Governor Romney, who was once unpopular with Republican voters, because he is a Mormon, attacked and attacked Obama and came off sounding truly Presidential. Obama tried to make a couple of points, but with his record on the table (the good and the bad), he had no place to hide.  Romney’s advantage is that he hasn't done anything (at least on a presidential scale).  He can hide behind promises.

Romney talked about jobs, the economy and how he would turn this country around.  I think that it's funny, because when the country was last in Republican control, America was in economic turmoil. Does anybody remember the two wars Republicans got us in, Wall Street payouts, and the auto industry meltdown? Does anybody remember a little follow name Bush, “George W.,” along with his henchmen, who were in charge of the country for eight long years? I wonder where he’s holding up.  Is the Republican Party hiding him like he's Jesse James? Bush started a war looking for Osama Bin Laden and ended up in Afghanistan and also ended up blowing up Iraq. That investment of resources put America on the brink of economic disaster. I remember.

Last night, President Obama tried to talk about health care and other programs to help the economy, but he wasn’t effective. Romney’s response was always, “look at your record.”  Again, Obama was simply not successful. At times, it seemed like his mind was someplace else. What also seemed clear is that he needs to be reminded that facts do not matter in a presidential debate.  What matters is the performance.

The good (President Obama): He has other chances to debate.
The Bad: He seemed preoccupied, perhaps surprised by Romney’s attacks and not as sharp as he usually is.  

The good (Governor Romney): He looked presidential.
The Bad: He was lying his ass off.

The Rating (1 to 5 where 5 is best):

President Obama: 2
Governor Romney: 4


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