Saturday, September 14, 2013

Reddick: the Diesel Lives

I just saw the latest “Reddick” flick @ the Majestic in Silver Spring. I enjoy the series, so I'll be kind. It's been a while since I've been to the movies. What can I tell you? Life is real. It felt good to be back nestled in good popcorn seats. Looking forward to the next one.

The Good and Bad: Vin Diesel is always engaging on screen, even when story-lines are very thin. If you dig the "Riddick" saga, you'll enjoy this film. The special effects were good, and occasionally great. That said, not all of the acting was great. You could see some of the actors acting, trying to dig up naturalness and feeling in a relatively weak script. Sometimes they succeeded, sometimes they did not.

The most important question: Is it a good film? Nah, not really. But then again, it isn't an awful one either. If you can catch this movie in a matinee go for it. I've paid more to see less. There are moments when the film will startle you out of your seats. That's got to be worth something.

The Rating: On a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 is great, “Reddick” gets a 3.


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